Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Daily Show: Little Crop of Horrors

Hilarious sketch about organic food.

If you are still wondering, beyond the advantages of hitting on girls at Whole Foods or Trader Joes, organic foods do a lot of good for you. Not only will you avoid ingesting pesticides and hormones, organic food is far better for the environment and your health. The best you can do is eat organic and LOCAL food to minimize your carbon footprint.

In a city, it may not be easy to grow your own food, but you can buy locally grown produce and meats from farmers markets or farmshare programs. Even when shopping at Safeway, try to buy the most local produce and meats, and avoid things which required shipping long distances or are from areas known for deforestation such as tropical south and central america.

I'm not an expert and I'm probably rambling, but do some research to find the best way to shop. I'd recommend looking for tips at: http://planetgreen.discovery.com/

Also, if you read Van Jones' book The Green Collar Economy, you'll understand that consumption of organic and locally grown food is not and should not be an elitist pursuit, but something that every socio-economic class of people should take part in.

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